
The EUY module of the yoga teacher training that completed the 500h+, 4 year TTP programme was finished in April 2022.

The next SAJ TTP started in September 2022 ( On 13.5.2023 the group of trainees have completed their 2nd grade yoga instructorship in Košice and on 22.May 2023 a group of trainees competed their 1st grate instructorship in Bratislava according to Act No. 440/2015 Bull. In January 2024 they will continue with the course for the 3rd grade instructorsdhip (300h) and after that they will continue with the EUY teachership (500h).

2 tr 2023

On 3rd December 2023 a group of trainees from Jogova Spolocnost Bratislava completed their 2nd grade SYA training according to Act No. 440/2015 Bull. Most of them will continue with the 3rd grade SAJ training that will start on 13th January 2024.

V prítomnsoti prebieha v Školiacom stredisku SAJ (Košice) kurz inštruktorov jogy SAJ 3.triedy.